Yuxia Zou


Yuxia (pronounced as "yu-shia") is an Assistant Professor of Accounting at Nanyang Business School, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. She holds a Ph.D. in Accounting and an M.Phil. in Finance from Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge, where she was a Research Associate at Cambridge Endowment for Research in Finance and a Benavitch Scholar at St Catharine's College. Yuxia serves as a Steering Committee Member (representing NTU) and a Board Director of Alliance for Research on Corporate Sustainability. Yuxia was a Research Fellow at UN-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) and now organizes the NBS-PRI-ECGI Public Lecture Series on Sustainable Business.  

Her research interests are in the intersection of financial and managerial accounting, with a focus on sustainability issues. Her research aims to provide quantitative empirical evidence on how accounting systems, including internal management, external disclosure, and information assurance, help develop a sustainable capital market. 

Yuxia has been teaching financial accounting and corporate finance in higher education since 2016. She is dedicated to creating an inclusive, student-focused learning environment and received multiple teaching awards. In 2021, she was recognized as an Associate Fellow by UK Higher Education Academy.

Yuxia has an informal name "Sarine", which is the combination of her name's meaning in English ("yu" for rain and "xia" for summer). 

